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replied 2328d
For nonconsensual psychiatry to be outlawed, politicians need to effectively legalize suicide and outlaw the insanity defense. Suicide should be respected as a civil and human right.
replied 2328d
Selbst mord.

Self murder,
murder, as a right?

Are people stopping you?
Why is this something you feel so strongly about?
replied 2328d
It is legal in other parts of the world. But since the Bible/church says “you will go to hell” if you kill yourself and so many believe in thechurch it will not happen anytime soon
replied 2328d
Care to quote me where in the Bible it says that?
replied 2327d
Why are people still believing in books written by the intention to control and manipulate the masses? Your own senses and logical thinking are the only way to receive the truth.
replied 2327d
Irrelevant. I'm just calling out OP's bullshit claim.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." So suicide doesn't seem congruent with Christianity.
replied 2327d
Sorry but your quote does not says that in any ways.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Right that's why I use the word "seem". There's numerous other places that indicate God helps believers get through hard times. Nothing directly about suicide though.
replied 2328d
So I actually just looked it up and I found this 🤔
replied 2327d
Killing and murder are seperate things.
replied 2327d
I believe they are saying suicide is murdering yourself
replied 2327d
Which is only an opinion.
replied 2328d
I can’t tell you that I am not a religious person at all. I just know that it has been said to me many times over by my family members.
replied 2327d
And because someone else says something you believe it is true? Lies are the source of all evil. Shameless liars spreading fake news and naive people believing that.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
The New Testament is pretty clear that once you become a Christian you get access to a distinct set of super powers known as "the fruit of the spirit", one of which is Peace.
replied 2328d
I don’t know I personally don’t believe in the Bible or any religion and don’t really give it any thoughts. But the rest of my family is very religious
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
The correct answer is that God judges on a case by case basis for people who haven't accepted atonement for their sins. So maybe suicide is a sign that one hasn't done that.
replied 2328d
I’m also very tired right now and don’t want to get into a deep thought discussion at this moment
replied 2328d
"who haven't accepted atonement for their sins." What happened to Jesus dying for all our sins, past and future?
replied 2328d
You have to be dipped for that and accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior and if you don’t do those it doesn’t matter how good of a person u r. I’m going to hell
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Ironically, if you believe in hell you're basically admitting to belief in God/some sort of afterlife. So you should probably get to the bottom of all that.
replied 2327d
I never said I believe in hell. I said that my family has said that if someone commits suicide they go to hell
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Sounds like their very insensitive way of saying "we love you and would rather you stick around a bit longer".
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Baptism is not required in the Bible(though it's certainly encouraged). Roman Empire/Europe used it for citizenship so it got baked into the political version of Christianity.
replied 2328d
Hold on. When you get dipped (I assume you mean christened), all the crap you did and will do is forgiven? That cant possibly be right. You still got a negative karma balance ;)
replied 2327d
Yes that is what they believe. Karma unfortunately has nothing to do with it.
replied 2327d
Let's just put it this way. If you do kill yourself, you lose the opportunity to fix Karma in this lifetime.
replied 2327d
Lol I have excellent karma. And I am not going anytime soon at least as far as I know
replied 2327d
We need you to support Bitcoin Cash.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Your "negative karma balance" gets payed for by Jesus blood. Not when you're baptized, when you believe. The judge takes your death sentence for you, payed in full, past and future.
replied 2328d
so, all I can do is hope my belief is enough and I actually have no control? Strong believer but a total asshole gets away? Screw that! It makes life pointless. Karma makes more sense
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
You don't have to wonder weather you're sincere enough like Linus does in the Great Pumpkin.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
To clarify, from Ephesians 1 "When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance."
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Christian belief is binary. You do or you don't. You wouldn't(often or continually) be a total asshole if you believed.
replied 2328d
How have you come by that knowledge?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Reading the Bible
replied 2328d
Life is relative not absolute...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Sounds like a religious belief to me 😉
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
tl;dr If you don't believe then you're going to have to rely on what some call Karma to save you. Problem is, good intentions don't always yield good results.
replied 2328d
"Karma to save you" - no, only You can "save" yourself. More like be reborn as a person, hopefully better or take yourself to hell (not really a place but more like state of mind)
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
How does the karmic system deal with bad things that happen due to good intentioned actions that you didn't foresee - or good things that happen even though you meant to do harm/evil?
replied 2328d
Define bad and good in this context but lets say I am kind to you, you get all uppity and get hit by a truck because you thought you are special and deserve the way... Your karma.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Something that you really meant to do good but it ends up being something you'd wished you hadn't done if you knew the outcome.
replied 2328d
what screws up the outcome?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
That's what I'm asking you. Is it fate? Random chance? Them getting their karmic comeuppance?
replied 2328d
if outcome causes misery, why do you even think it was good deed to begin with? It makes no sense. It's absurd. Give example
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
It's very difficult to tell weather an occurrence or act is ultimately good or bad without being able to see far into the future. My question is, what force determines the outcome?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
So it's only a good deed if it has a good outcome no matter what my original intention was? Like if I lend you $10 to get a sandwich and you get food poisoning it's on me?
replied 2328d
why is it on you? Who sold me that crappy sandwich or who let the ingredients go bad. Maybe me. You are taking that stuff way to literally and way to linearly. Think 3D net + time
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
So your original good/bad intentions DO matter? Like, I still get good karma even if it had a bad result and vice versa?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
There's any number of examples. Giving to a charity that's actually engaging in human trafficking(cough* cough* UNESCO cough*. Give a fiver to a bum, he gets mugged by another bum.
replied 2328d
point is, look around. Many people are in "hell" mental physical. Perverts for example are in hell. Disease, endless search for quick pleasure, more, still not enough, misery, suicide
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
There's many more verses on this.
replied 2328d
Exactly. If we want a full separation of church and state, then suicide needs to be respected as a civil and human right for all adults when it is done in private.
replied 2327d
Laura, you truly live in a bubble if you think that many people believe in the church. Most of the people are forced to go to the church and they are forced to pay church tax.
replied 2327d
Well from my travels I have discovered that many people do still believe in the church. But I still do not understand why.
replied 2327d
Maybe you talk to a specific type of people? What is many for you? Do you know that Ratzinger the last pope is convicted by judges in bruessel for child abuse & now hiding in vatikan?
replied 2328d
That got dark quick.