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saved 207d
Hey @102106 do you make all these memes yourself? Some are pretty clever, but it's kind of like preaching to the choir, don't you think?
Do you have any twonks? If not, why not? And would you like one?
Do you have anything to sell or trade for twonks or Bitcoin? If so, can you pin it as your top post?
Do you have a normal name that we can call you? Doesn't have to be your real name. It's just that Bitcrash kind of sounds depressing.
Are you comfortable sharing your general location, so we can get an idea of how far and wide the Bitcoin empire extends?
Is there a reason you need two links to your Twitter page?
We don't want to accidentally redirect anyone to that shithole. How do we rescue more BSV folks from Twitter and get them to try Twetch? Are memes getting the job done, or do we need to resort to more extreme measures like bribery?