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The main difference between #BCH and #DASH is that BCH is based on #voluntarism while DASH is based on #taxation. I believe that both systems will work in parallel, because we have people with different mindsets.
replied 2372d
That's not accurate. There is no 'tax' in Dash. Everything is voluntary and the money comes from the block reward. Unless you consider paying miners also a 'tax'.
replied 2372d
I see it from the perspective that we need voluntary actions from the #BCH stakeholders to grow the network. While #DASH doesnt need that as it sponsors its marketing from the treasury
replied 2371d
In Venezuela etc. Websites like which list over 3300+ IRL businesses that accept Dash, 1500+ in Ven. That is real life adoption all voluntary! Not sure what you mean..
replied 2371d
You incentivize people to take part in #DASH by paying them money which is taken from the miners. It would be voluntarily if the miners could choose how much tax they want to pay.
replied 2371d
This is not logical. All action in Dash is vol. from Dash stakeholders to grow network. DCG pays for a lot more than 'marketing'. Things like devs (mkt rates), hr, independent groups
replied 2371d
Treasury tax is imposed as much as MNO tax. The DAO is in control and the developers programming the DAO have the highest authority. Voluntarism and Decentralization? I dont think so.
replied 2367d
With the fact that Dash created these innovations first. So you slander instead of saying, 'Yeah they did a good job'. That's fine, but realize that attitude won't help your coin win.
replied 2367d
A person who is rude may accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting:
replied 2367d
How was I rude? And where did I accuse you of being rude? I accused you of slander and a bad attitude, not of being rude.
replied 2366d
Thanks for sharing your opinion!
replied 2367d
you say that its not decentralized? The developers of the DAO are DCG and they have to get voted like everyone else. You're just repeating FUD so you don't have to deal psychologically
replied 2367d
It is absolutely not decentralized if one group gets half of the totally available funds every month! It would be decentralized if each developer would work on independent proposals.
replied 2367d
Why not? What if that one group is doing an outsized amount of the work? Decentralization doesn't mean socialism, the MNs decide what they think is important if they disagree no money.
replied 2367d
You don't know what you're saying. There is no 'treasury tax' or MNO tax. You don't now what you're talking about. 'DAO' stands for decentralized autonomous organization. How can you
replied 2367d
The argument that the DAO is decentralized because it has "decentralized" in the name is like believing that the department of "defense" doesnt make war!
replied 2367d
That's not the whole arg but you do have to prove that its false. 5000 MNs owned by the community all around the world. How is that NOT decentralized? Its just like btc node network.