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2348d ·
On Sept 1, how do I do my part in the stress test?
replied 2348d
numerous ways, publish a book on memo, gamble on satoshidice (for 24hours :),
once we have a script ready in a few weeks you can test that.
next 9.5 wks spread word, notify businesses
replied 2347d
Who's making the script?
replied 2347d
Two people I know of are working on scripts, others have suggested/recommended don't know if they are or not.
replied 2348d
click like on every single comment on Memo with minimum amount of 546 satoshi, at today's rate that's roughly $25 for 5000 tx (stress test script will be even cheaper)
replied 2348d
organise a coinroll with handcash, keep the coin rolling for 24hours??? Here is to generate ideas, no fixed rules, whichever ways you can think to push transactions *involve merchants*