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replied 2435d
replied 2435d
You are clueless, I am surprised you are not one of the BTC maximalists, you sound no different to how they "think".
replied 2435d
I guarantee I have far more skin in this game than you do, my poor redistributionist friend. I have given away more satoshis here and on yours than you probably have in cold storage.
replied 2435d
Big mouth, typical capitalist moron thinking you are better as you think you have more things and money? You moron. You have no idea what I have. So how about you just FUCK OFF?
replied 2435d
I don't know exactly, but I do know those that have a lot never get as butthurt as you just did about the subject. 😁 And yes, skin in the game does matter.
replied 2435d
Eat shit you fuckhead, you are who you are in your heart an din your mind, not how much wealth you have, only a cunt could see themselves better because they have more, you prick.
replied 2435d
Sorry you are wrong. People who have made more money are in general more worth listening to and often have wisdom that the economically illiterate lack. You are blinded by envious hate
replied 2435d
Those people that "made" most money are by far the worst kind of people there is... these are the people that want global government & people that fund and create all wars. UR CLUELESS
replied 2435d
Can't believe I'm getting lectured on how Keynesianism is anything except complete garbage by someone who claims to understand bitcoin. Hilarious! Sad but entertaining at least.
replied 2435d
You're arrogant & ignorant. You can't see fact when presented to you. Your Austrian school of economics is garbage, you fucks don't even know difference between production & exchange.
replied 2435d
America has been going down hill ever since. Americans were better off when Keynesian capitalism (Socialism) existed, and that is historic fact.
replied 2435d
Austrian econ created 1930 depression. Keynesian econ started (Socialism to balance out Capitalism) to stop people overthrowing capitalism. Nixon started reversing that in 1970's.