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2413d · The-One-Law
The One Law requires learning ( !not education or indoctrination). It achieves this by innately requiring Beings to learn how to not Harm others. To _not_learn is an intention to Harm others.
replied 2413d
Education required by decree or other coercion is indoctrination.
Indoctrination absent permission by the student is slavery and thus an act of Harm against the student.
replied 2413d
"Learning" is not education or indoctrination.
Learning is a voluntary effort by a student to acquire knowledge+abilities.
Education is an effort by a teacher to impart knowledge.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2413d
And what of involuntary learning?
replied 2413d
"involuntary learning" is an oxymoron.
If we learn something by accident it remains our choice to 'learn', or not.
We choose to learn and we can also choose to ignore (as some do).
replied 2413d
Learning has no injunction or explicit decree.
Learning is intrinsic to remaining a Being within The One Law.
Credible competency as a Being requires a commitment to knowledge.
replied 2413d
What did you learn today about how_to_not_Harm_others ?
Noisy environments can disrupt emotional balance.
Those causing noise are Harming others. => +study more science.
replied 2413d
Noise pollution is real.