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Women turning into whores isn't the cause for the fall of civilization. Men turning into commie simps isn't the cause of the fall of civilization.

The fall of civilization, and the accompanying archetypes, are the cause for what's happening to women and men.

All of this is to be expected in the late stages of civilization, non of it is a surprise. And nothing will stop it. No daddy will bring back the good old times, no central planning mommy will create a diverse, inclusive, sustainable and equitable utopia. It will all just go downhill from here and both chaos and control will rise to unbearable levels - while order is nowhere to be found.

But you don't have to be a part of it.

The more awareness you develop, the less you are affected by collective developments. The more you overcome the herd inside of yourself, the better your chances of not being dragged into the abyss by unhinged, wild-eyed half-monkeys with matches and machetes.