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Hello everyone ..BSV is cheaper than BCH and has more new exciting use cases.

BSV works even better.
BTC is slow, expensive and unreliable.
replied 2168d
Thank you for your recommendation, Bitcoin Statist Vision shill.
replied 2168d
What are the new exciting use cases of BSV?
replied 2168d
Metanet. More exciting than "p2p cash" (maybe because I'm a programmer). I want to live in a world where protocol is open source (I don't care of p2pcash) and Metanet can do that
replied 2168d
Ironically, BSV supporters stated that Bitcoin should be a stable protocol for just p2p e-cash. Hence, CTOR/OP_DSV rejection and the split. Now, CSW talked about Metanet...
replied 2168d
Bch is doing p2p cash already. They lost the hashwar so they need to do something else
Anyway I'm not here to convince about sv. You asked for something exciting about sv, it's Metanet
replied 2168d
Apparently it cannot keep things open source.
replied 2168d
BCH and apps around it are open source: open collaboration is encouraged. But you cannot collaborate in BSV developing.
replied 2168d
I won't discuss Metanet because I didn't research enough (I don't spend my time with CSW ideas), but I'll point just one thing: blockchain for data storage is very inefficient.
replied 2168d
If there are only 10 nodes in the network it's not inefficient to duplicate data 10times. Facebook is maybe duplicating more than that and still being down sometime ..
replied 2168d
replied 2168d
Well let's not exclude the possibility that it is a lease?
replied 2168d
Heck, if you want the government in your business buy BSV.