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how to troll the ABC-chain - have an extended multi-day stress-test, by creating ~50MB worth of TXs every 10 mins -> SV will eat all of it while ABC will fall over, accumulate a queue worthy of BTC; ABC-fees will moon
replied 2279d
And spammers will finally bankrupt
replied 2279d
Let us know how that works out for you. Just try and be competent about setting it up, lest someone adjusts their node to replay Txs into SV and you choke on your own attack
replied 2279d
You know very well that SV can not handle 50MB every 10 minutes. The sustained throughput is around 10-15MB every 10 minutes.
replied 2279d
what is your confidence level in those numbers? it looks like they have been hard at work on the node
replied 2278d
replied 2279d
when you solve one bottle-neck it could be tens of megabytes or even more until you hit the next bottle-neck; there could be surprises coming ✨
replied 2279d
Scaling isn't a problem when you don't have a network for your centralized shitcoin.
replied 2279d