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replied 2324d
There are downsides to everything.
replied 2323d
There are upsides to everything.
replied 2323d
Agreed. The glass can always be half full if you choose to see it that way.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2323d
Only those things with sides.
replied 2323d
Everything has a silverlining.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2323d
Only things with sides. Where's the silver lining of a Möbius strip?
replied 2323d
At the edge, especially when put up against the sun.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2322d
An edge with a surface area would require depth. Where is the silver lining of a point "cloud"? You only get sides when you abstract, and you can only guild when you have sides.
replied 2322d
Clouds are where we get silver lining From. Even on a computer screen, a mobius strip has depth at the edge! Could you explain your last sentence?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2322d
A Möbius strip by definition on has one side.
replied 2322d
Yes, and therewith, an edge.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2322d
An edge with no surface area to be lined.
replied 2322d
How so?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2322d
Exactly: the *abstraction* of a cloud (it being an ominous thing, with non-silver sides) is what we imagine has a silver lining: the physical cloud itself has no sides, and no lining.
replied 2322d
Not if the sun isn't shining on it.
The analogy and correlation is that of our awareness and consciousness shining light on our life situation, which might be very cloudy indeed.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2322d
And my point is that the ability to shine light is dependent upon first viewing the cloud in a bad light.
replied 2322d
Yes, and [dark] clouds are often represented as someone having a bad time, with the sun coming through later as a sign of things going better.