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replied 2364d
He's right, there is a fitness cost to seeing reality accurately, but there is also a benefit. the optimized solution is somewhere between disregarding reality & accurately seeing it.
replied 2364d
“We do not wish to overstate our findings. Our simulations do not find that natural selection always drives truth to extinction.
replied 2364d
They show instead that natural selection can drive truth to extinction.”
replied 2364d
His talk is undermined by the examples he gives. If seeing reality more accurately had as high a cost as it does in his models the beetles would out compete
replied 2364d
organisms with more accurate representations of reality (eg us).
replied 2364d
In the model he presents, there are cases where agents knowing more about reality drive to extinction those that know less. Depends on the cost of information.
replied 2364d
...will you be more competitive in natural selection if X? seems like this can depend on lots of things
replied 2364d
yeah, almost so many things you could make models for any case you wanted.