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replied 1420d
"Jiang Zhuoer, one of China's big miners, told WuBlockchain that according to the latest multiple model studies, the fastest will be September 2021 and the slowest June 2022 will turn from a bull to a bear market."
This is in line with my prediction and also lines up with the bear/bull cycle of bitcoin. As over 60% of bitcoin is mined in China and this guy represents a big pool, I feel he has his ear-to-the-rail.
However, I do see this bear as being a pretty nasty one and recommend hedging yourselves.
Right now bitcoin is at $52,500 (fell from $57k today), but I'm not sure I'd assume its going to fall to the earth yet. It probably has a good percentage of return left in it for a few months.
replied 1375d
I don't have enough funds to post. Switching to