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White men are people too
replied 1825d
That's a great template for super funny jokes
White men are people too
replied 1825d
A friend gave me some books. I read them all, except How to ruce lysdexia. I'm not even sure what that one is about.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I have one, and then another book about math difficulties.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I read a book that was supposed to be about plausible deniability. After having read it, I think it wasn't.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I was told my book on urban warfare was supposed to have a chapter on camouflage, but I could not find it.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
A bookworm ate all my books except my very old copy of The Book of Clowns. I suppose it tasted funny
White men are people too
replied 1825d
Superman tried to use his x-ray vision to speed read a Global Tungsten Market Professional Survey Report, but gave up, claiming the subject was too dense
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I'm reading a book on diamonds. I find it surprisingly hard to read.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I am reading a book about forgetfulness. I can't remember the last time I read more than a line of text in one day.
White men are people too
replied 1825d
I'm reading a book on mattresses. I'm not sure I like it, I guess I have to sleep on it.