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GM twetch!
just wondering, since we are in this little BSV echo chamber, is there any reason to assume that there is not some hardcore btc core neckbeards among us who have always been super obsessed with bsv (and bch back then) and have been very active in bsv forums, some created r/bsv reddit at the time and so on. suspicious amount of obsessed coordinated hate for bitcoin sometimes makes it look not so organic 🤨
im not saying it is happening here now, people are disappointed about twetch itself for sure, but it is still alive! and bsv still works, blocks have been giga megs, tether printer go brrr, shit show continues and there is money to be made and money to get lost and certainly big money to get washed also in this nonsensical acronym crypto market.
BUT IF bitcoin (that is bsv) ever gets on its track, be sure there is going to be some infamous neckbeards around on every bsv community for sure ✌️