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replied 2166d
Amazon took it down because they cater to trolls (consumers) first and foremost. They want to project an image of a great company and hide the dirt that is happening in the background.
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2166d
Wait, what? So there was a video they had and they pulled it?
replied 2166d
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2166d
I work for a company who is developing integration between various 3rd party systems in the field of engineering systems. I am incredibly interested in the idea of putting sensor and other kinds of temporal data on the block-chain. It would be a great way to avoid needing to invest in the otherwise necessary infrastructure to support such use cases. So basically the same thing as what is being done here for weather, except things like pressure, flow, temperature etc readings for real world equipment. Probably wouldn't even have to be obfuscated in any way as the intended end user could put into the data unique IDs that only they know how to correlate to the real world equipment.
replied 2166d
Awesome! You found the right coin. $BSV
replied 2166d
Ask your boss to send you to the Toronto Coingeek conference around May 30.
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2166d
Wouldn't that be nice! :)
replied 2166d
Yes, because they are "dumb" enough to publish and "smart" enough to listen to trolls in the comments. Alan Siebert was among them, and some psychedelic drug user.
Proof of Social
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2166d
Figures. Thanks for the info.
replied 2166d
That's going to teach @centbee that they should put videos on the blockchain!