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2095d · Capitalism
replied 2095d
Commies be like
replied 2095d
FYI, USSR invented mobile phone tech, they also beat US/Capitalism in aviation and space tech, Americans are still buying Russian rocket engines ;-) So I'm not sure what you are trying ti laugh at, America is a shithole, No1 in all of the worst things, you haven't been paying attention properly, because you haven't seen anything outside your own capitalist made Matrix... and you are still stuck in it.
replied 2095d
More like brainwashed fool be like you :-) That term "Commie" is a propaganda label, NPC is a propaganda label, the "Leftie" is a propaganda label, the "snowflakes" is a propaganda label, the "Crony Capitalism" is a propaganda label... and all of these labels started and are used in UNITED STATES of America (note that it says that STATES are united... against you people, and you are not educated to even know what each term of Communism, Capitalism actually is, you never even heard of term "State Capitalism", you have no idea what the only 2 rules of Capitalist system are, you are brainwashed to think that Capitalism is about freedom, competition, specialisation, all of which actually has nothing to do with Capitalism and its rules. You are brainwashed to think that OUTCOME of a system is version of the system, which is why you are labeling what CAPITALISM created as CRONY Capitalism, but there is actually no such thing, there is only CRONY PEOPLE and system of Capitalism hasn't changed whether or not capitalist is good or bad person. You are brainwashed to think that legal exploiation is something normal and needed, you are brainwashed to think wars which are literally created based on lies, needed and good and for the benefit of the people... I mean.... I could go on and on about all the things you are brainwashed about, but I guess you just using this propaganda term "Commie" is all you need for your side of the "argument"... you are really pathetic... and brainwashed :-)