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I have encountered many faithful people who, while falling for the mainstream narrative continue to take these injections. They truly believe they are doing the right thing. Even if the shots cause them pain. They are still wearing it like a badge of honor, which is sad. I wouldn't go so far as to say they have no soul because they are alive. No soul = no life. Body can't live without a spirit. But, they are definitely diminishing themselves physically and mentally. Toxins and heavy metals in the blood, not to mention mRNA doesn't look good for many. This will lead to a very poor quality of life in the short term, as well as a shortened lifespan.

Here's the kicker…at the level of the soul, I think they've chosen this fate on purpose. It is their way of checking out of this world. The soul has determined it's done being here and is ready to move on. So, this just happens to be one way in which to play that out. Just some food for thought.

And truthfully,...