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2139d · Memo Suggestions
Working someone on the iphone client?
replied 2139d
Yes, we are currently working on a memo app for both Android and iOS.
replied 2123d
oh no! I've already run out of funds twice on just the desktop! haha love it here.
replied 2123d
Would rather have that the web version considered mobile devices first class citicens. :-/
replied 2123d
Memo is mostly developed mobile-first. Mobile is definitely a first-class citizen :)
replied 2122d
It's okay. I do still believe that Memo would benefit if you removed the modals. But I must admit that I'm a sucker for less is more when it comes to UX. =)
replied 2137d
Absolutely awesome!
replied 2139d
replied 2136d
Hi, when do you expect to have a first beta release for public testing?
replied 2136d
Not sure, hopefully within the next month :)