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I desire maximum pain... that's why I'm a BSV and Twetch user, of course. In all seriousness though, I read the FAQ on your site and it mostly makes sense, but the one glaring problem is that it has no traffic. Kind of a similar issue with Twetch. We can make all the costly signals we want, but if the transmitter is buried at the bottom of the ocean, I don't see how that helps.
I would also push back a little on your use of the term handicap. Muscles are an honest sign of fitness, but I wouldn't consider them a handicap. Peacock feathers seem costly, but they also serve an important defensive role, by helping to confuse and frighten predators. Ideally, what we really want is to send the loudest signal possible that's appealing to our mates, frightening to our enemies, and costs us very little, right? I'm thinking something like a digital flash mob, but that requires coordination, which we seem to be severely lacking at the moment. If Twetch was reliable, we ...