Sure, BC stuffing thing up your holes in front of a camera and begging for tips is a smart career choice. Takes a special kind of retard to think that. Leave your basement wanker.
I know your initial comment was meant to be offensive, but i just feel pity for you that you actually felt the need to offend me. Says a lot about what kind of person you are.
Also, no one said it's a smart career choice, but "stuffing" my dildo in my va-jay-jay keeps me pretty happy and satisfied if you know what i mean and it pays the bills.
That's your opinion and i can accept it, because i am mature enough to know that everyone is entitled to have one, but i don't agree with it. So let's just ignore each other from now.
Seek education. Nobody is mentally ill for enjoying doing sexual stuff for tips, likes or for fun. On the other hand a psychologist would have things to say about your need to insult.
Are you a hyper Christian or something? Is sexuality that offensive to you? Either way it points to the mental problems being yours. You don't seem healthy.
Sexuality? WankerSam, WTF has sexuality to do with jerking off to a chick on a computer screen? LOL! You silly cuck, you cant get much further from sexuality than that.
Gozira just read the whole conversation again and think hard: who here would be a prime client for a therapist? If you really think hard you can figure it out.
Dude, you are just a sad wanker, brown-nosing for a whore. LOL! I just don't like degenerates - whores & SJW perverts like you, SilentSam. Feel free to fuck off in any direction U like
Being a rude piece of shit like you are seriously makes me doubt your mental capacity. There's plenty of better suited places to be a keyboardwarrior...
You got it all wrong, first i get the tips and after i stuff a thing up my hole..and i never beg for tips, and i am sorry you had to deal with camgirls that do that.
People work with what they got. If you can make a decent income it's worth it. Hell some girls on the industry can retire after only a few years of work.
Is it really surprising that no one wanted to use a social media with bad UI and paid posting based on a technology known most for it's money laundering, drug market and ponzi schemes?
No, but like it or not the USD isn't known for those things. It's known for fueling the global economy, being the medium of exchange for literally every good and service known to man.
Actually on the black market the US is known for money laundering, funding terrorism, and lots of other illegal activity. The black market is cash based after all.
Or how many times it's been used in funding terrorism, money laundering and other illegal activity? If the answer is the food, rent etc. the fiat is probably more famous than infamous.
Sure I must have, but for many years now most people use debit and credit cards for legal purchases. It helps you avoid having change. Cash is for drug dealers.
The state agrees with you. Which is why China is insisting on cashless payments to have complete surveillance over the transactional activity in the country.
We don't even hae to have anyone insist on it. We just prefer it. I hated having all the loose change. I use to throw out any coins less than a quarter.