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2285d · Bitcoin SV
BSV up against Jihan/Roger/Haipo/Jiang/Coinbase/Kraken/Reddit and still plowed through. That’s power!
replied 2285d
No one's out to get you, BHoarder, chill out. Ever heard of the psychological Inferiority Complex?
replied 2285d
I’ve heard of getting filthy rich. Hbu?
replied 2283d
Well, that didn't last long.
replied 2283d
I was liquidating some assets to buy more BSV. But I’m ready to resume BSV purchases. Here we go!!! 🔥🚀🚀🚀
replied 2282d
if u mind me asking, are you the same guy from /r with the 10k BCH party in NYC lol. any reason u picked BSV over BCH?
replied 2281d
Search for Ryan Charles posts. And definitely unwriter Medium article. Developers want a stable platform as do I.
replied 2281d
I got exhausted keeping up with ABC and Core experiments. I want to mine and buy Bitcoin knowing it is STABLE platform.
replied 2280d
Same here.
replied 2281d
There’s so many reasons. Ryan Charles explains it well. I’m with his thinking. I got banned on r/btc after I posted BSV made record 4 million txns in a day.
replied 2281d
The main reason is I like the way Bitcoin worked over half a decade ago. All I wanted was bigger blocks. OP RETURN added so much. Imagine what the other OP CODES can do?
replied 2281d
Other original Bitcoin op codes.
replied 2282d
Well, that didn't help.