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2312d · memo
I disagree, the downvoting on Reddit is a form of soft censorship. If you do disagree with someone's opinion, argue your point rather than rely on silent protest.
replied 2312d
its only censorship because the ranking algo (what is at the top) is not individualized. if 2 ppl dislike all the same things shouldn't the algo rank their posts highly for each other?
replied 2312d
That's how echo chambers are made in my opinion. These attempts at personalisation of service sort of ruin the organic nature of content, also if a post on deddit goes -100 it's hidden
replied 2312d
very true, echo chambers can be made but only if the algo is set up to only show things you agree with. idk the right mix of things you agree with and things that challenge your ideas.
replied 2312d
maybe only polarizing things (things you strongly agree or disagree with) should be ranked highly? 🌊
replied 2310d
Let’s cut off likes then, cause we can express our opinion in comments, rather than silently like?
replied 2310d
I mean, that's not necessarily a bad idea whereby a posts value could be ranked by comments etc. But a like is a basic positive interaction with no downside
replied 2309d
A dislike is a basic negative interaction as well, and I see no downsides in it
replied 2309d
How do you not see the downside in a negative thing? Even, aside from the censorship aspect, people will literally dislike being disliked. It's a very basic concept.