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replied 2404d
You trying to tell business people how to run their business and treat their employees when you have never had one employee is naive.
replied 2404d
If those business owners want to do what they want and not give a shit about others, then they can work in their businesses alone. Lets see how much capitalist can produce on his own.
replied 2404d
With improvements in robot technology and anti business sentiment from governments voted for by socialists, that may happen. Be careful what you wish for. Business people owe you 0.
replied 2404d
And you know what else, you are actually defending the shitty people, saying shit like how we should understand their greed, be fine with them wanting to rule everyone. You are nuts.
replied 2404d
You are naive to think that Capitalism can continue like this indefinitely. Capitalism will end. Capitalist can't run the society the way they want, people will rebel, this will happen
replied 2404d
If Marxist indoctrination in schools and universities as well as the media continues and the internet is successfully censored, yes it will happen. I agree.
replied 2404d
I keep saying that we can never have just & good & fair society which has good standard of living & no more wars, if we allow small minority to have some right of making all decisions.