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Which non-Bitcoin coins do you support or highly esteem?
replied 1947d
I hold quite a lot of coins, but the most I support, apart from BCH, are KMD and ETH.
replied 1947d
Non other than Bitcoin Cash! Hahaha! I might say Steem and SBD since I am acquiring it for FREE from my blogs earnings.
replied 1947d
Still hold a bit of IOTA, at least it's a different concept than most alts.
replied 1947d
Ethereum, it's been doing good
Georg Engelmann
replied 1947d
Ethereum, I also own some LTC
replied 1947d
I have Steem - Text blockchain platform.

It's very interesting blockchain, but with big problems ...
replied 1947d
replied 1947d
Until my bank accepts xrp deposits I won't touch it with a 10 feet pole...
replied 1947d
I see a future for ETH. None of the actual tokens are required for what they do but some tokens like BAT could have real demand and still be around for years. Coins like NANO and ZIL
replied 1947d
with new approach to blockchain could also have value in the future but it's too early to tell if they'll develop to anything (that's why it's called speculation).