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replied 2318d
You can still be a conservative and have Republican ideals, but if you like Bitcoin, please admit to yourself you are not a nationalist when it comes to the economy / monetary system.
replied 2318d
I'd say the same for socialist statists that support bitcoin. How do they propose to excise exorbitant taxes so the can redistribute wealth when bitcoin is designed to be uncensorable?
replied 2318d
Using violence.
replied 2317d
Yeah, that's how they do it now, but they can seize your physical cash or bank account. I guess they can beat you to give up your key.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2318d
Bitcoin is anti-Federal Reserve. Tthe FED is a globalist organization. The majority shareholders who appoint the directors are not American
replied 2318d
Otherwise, imho, you don't get it. You're just here for the "cool new technology", and don't see the big picture.