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replied 2343d
So many coins... I think we need a technological solution to analyze coins against one another in a scientific way. How about a blockchain for this purpose? Let's call it #Coincoin.
replied 2343d
It's a wonderful idea, but I think they chew to much, they will choke on the execution (time). The idea itself will happen in some way or another soon though, with or without Bitcoin.
replied 2343d
I was thinking of just analyzing the features, cryptography, math and so on, not live performance.
You probably don't need a blockchain for this.
replied 2343d
Yep so many coins. Either the entire crypto market will come crashing down to 0, or a few select coins will survive. Only time will tell.
replied 2343d
Skycoin enables making custom blockchains, so they've got that covered. Like going from books handwritten for kings, to the printing press.