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replied 2324d
It's basic science. Look up natural frequencies and how it works.I use it at work so I know it pretty well. Youll learn how they manage to manipulate climate from 2 ways with that tech
replied 2324d
I have looked it up. It is incapable of doing the things the conspiracies claim. Science doesn't support your claims.
replied 2324d
EVERYTHING have a natural frequency and is subject to resonance. Are you telling otherwise??
replied 2324d
No, I am telling you that HAARP is not controlling weather. It isn't a weapon. I am telling you that you are listening to people using fancy words improperly to mislead you.
replied 2323d
It is officially not a "weapon" they can definitely use it as such. This is why this has been signed
replied 2323d
To redirect the frequencies into lower atmosphere and even down into the water. Tell me exactly what stops them doing so.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2323d
Sometimes I think Sam is a (poorly payed, low skill) operative for the Air Force here to just parrot normie talking points over and over. Might even be copy-pated in lol
replied 2323d
That isn't the purpose of the machine, and no they dont have the power to affect weather systems. It is just all made up crap. Like 9/11 being an inside job. Just wild ideas.
replied 2323d
Good job dissmissing reality along all my speciifc my questions. I guess your "research" as been limited to read a Wikipedia article isn't it?
replied 2323d
Resonate frequencieswith EM waves need to resonate with the size of the molecule. Microwaves do eith tmeith water. It produces heat. This uses a different frequency incapable of this.
replied 2322d
Of course and that's certainly no problem.
replied 2323d
No, the actual subject doesnt take much research. Wiki is enough. I'm saying your claims are easily seen through with a little education on the subject.
replied 2323d
Seems to have been abandoned since. Likely because the cost of what it takes for so little reliable increase in range is not as useful as satellites.
replied 2323d
The hope of the experiment was to be able to shit the ionosphere a but to help increase the range of radio transmissions since radio waves bounce down off the ionosphere.
replied 2322d
I know exactly what HAARP says about themselves and that's certainly not the point.
replied 2322d
The real point is that this is all that HAARP is capable of doing. How do you think they could possibly alter weather. Do more than vague hand waving to the idea of resonance.
replied 2321d
HAARP is a few frequencies away from what they are publicly disclosing. And the whole principle uses just that, resonance. You expect them to tell you the whole truth? LMAO. How naive.
replied 2321d
Not the whole truth. An explanation of what you mean about resonant frequencies. It doesnt matter what frequency they use. They cant do what you suggest. Things dont work like that.
replied 2321d
And simply amplifying already occuring natural phenomenon (i.e. hurricanes) whould also be piece of cake.
replied 2320d
It wouldn't be a piece of cake. I dont think you understand what is involved.
replied 2320d
Explain why is it very possible to heat up the ionosphere at a large scale but somehow they can't do it in lower atmosphere? Give me a break already.
replied 2319d
It doesnt heat the ionosphere first of all. It causes ot to raise. Radio waves have always bounced down off the ionosphere. That is who AM can travel over the horizon.
replied 2319d
"Work [..] has shown that it is possible to raise this temperature by as much as 30% within a small, localized region during an experiment."
replied 2319d
Okay, now explain by what mechanism that can be used to manipulate the weather. More importantly how it controls the weather in a controlled manner.
replied 2319d
It's not in a controlled manner as far as I know but as I already said, they can easily amplify already occuring events like hurricanes and trigger eathquakes in specific areas.
replied 2319d
It causes it to raise by heating it up so you lower its density. You conflict the causes and the means.
replied 2320d
It's you who don't understand how this whole principle works. I can explain you in details if you like :)
replied 2319d
Please do explain it in detail. I do understand the principle. It isn't very complicated.
replied 2319d
Exaclty, it's not very complicated. So why do you make it appear as such?
replied 2319d
It's not very complicated, and that is why I know it doesnt do what you think it does.
replied 2321d
And from the wattage they are disclosing it is certainly not unnoticable.Moving fluids might be pretty hard but triggering earthquake on already susceptible area would be piece of cake
replied 2320d
The idea that they can generate Earthquakes is about the most absurd. Besides the fact that it would require a completely different mechanism, they just dont have he power.
replied 2320d
And no, it's the EXACT same mechanism. You just change the frequency and redirect the waves accordingly. How clueless can you be?
replied 2319d
I know enough to know that frequency is irrelevant for this. I am not clueless I am educated. Physics was my major. That is why I know the HAARP conspiracies are bullshit.
replied 2319d
I mean, it looks like you don't even understand the basics. Looks like the bullshit here is you major is physics, not what HAARP is capable off.
replied 2319d
"In physics, resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating system [...] drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies."
replied 2319d
WTF are you even saying here? Frequency is VERY relevant to enter matter into resonance. You need the exact same frequency. If you're a bit off, it won't work.
replied 2319d
Resonance isn't about the exact same frequency. It is about a frequency at an integer ratio. All it does is interact with the electron and generate heat.
replied 2320d
You don't need a lot of power in areas susceptible for earthquake. Just a little to trigger them.
replied 2319d
You also u
Need a mechanism. To trigger them. HAARP doesnt have that. You would still need a lot. Likely an amount comparable to a nuke.
replied 2319d
Resonance IS the mechanism. You no, you don't need a lot of energy to trigger an earthquake in suseptible areas. Just like you don't need a lot of energy to pop a balloon.
replied 2319d
By what mechanism does the resonance work? It's still just a fancy word until you explain it.
replied 2319d
Then is lab ended up being sabotaged.
replied 2318d
Yeah, that is the conspiracy theory. Truth is it didn't work. You cant get electricity like that. As it is AM waves use this to transmit over the horizon. It's why it travels so far.
replied 2318d
You can't say it didn't work since it was never tried. All the physical principals are there to make it work. All you do is hand waving conspiracy!!! because you don't know better.
replied 2318d
It was tried... they ran experiments. What they never did do was create earthquakes, or weather events. Just saying they used resonance is meaningless.
replied 2319d
The waves would bounce back to earth but with greater amplitude (ernergized). He was fincanced by the Morgans but at some point they cut off his financing to invest in petroleum.
replied 2319d
Back to Tesla,what he wanted to do is using this principle and send waves to the ionosphere with the same frequency but lower amplitude than what's travaling there in the magneticfield
replied 2319d
It's the exact same principle used by opera singers who can break up crystal glasses. They only need the right frequency and enough power (More power than the dissipating rate).
replied 2319d
The energy building up is translated by amplifying the magnitude of the vibrations. Physical things will evetually reach a breaking point while fluids will simply heat up.
replied 2318d
They were experimenting with improving radio transmission ranges, which lost funding because sattaliets work so well.
replied 2318d
You will then see how far it is from the HARRP frequency, and doesnt have enough energy to heat that much water over that broad of an area, at that distance.
replied 2318d
You think it's hard to adjust frequencies beyond what they disclose? How pathetically naive you are.
replied 2318d
Sure, let's say they had it emitting microwaves though. Let's say it was a big microwave emitter. It could only work on the atmosphere directly above it. Not anywhere in the world.
replied 2318d
The equipment you use determines the frequencies you emit. They couldn't just use it to make a bright light, or emit gamma rays. They experimented with radio waves.
replied 2318d
Okay, now if you want to know the actually frequancy that happens at look at a Microwave oven. It uses the right frequency of microwave to add heat to the water molecules.
replied 2319d
Not sure what mechanism you're asking for. The point is to add up vibrational energy to something with external force using the same frenquency.
replied 2321d
If I know how to exploit resonance then you can bet people working at HAARP know it too. The real question is to what extent they can influence weather with the power than can unleash.
replied 2321d
Oh so resonance doesn't works? Since when? You keep saying it doesn't work but always fails to explain why specifically. I know exactly how resonance works and how to exploit it.
replied 2320d
Yes, but until you explain how it is used to create weather patterns you are just using a fancy word. I understand how EM resonance affters molecules. I dont see it making weather.
replied 2323d
The reality is that they can. They litterally do it with the ionosphere. There is nothing that stops them from using the reflection caused by the change of density and the right angle
replied 2323d
How exactly? All you need is the right frequency and enough power. HAARP litterally have both of them. Explain excatly why they can't heat up mass of water or air?
replied 2323d
Lol dude the burden of proof is on you with these insane claims... First of all, see 1st law of thermodynamics. Heating up the atmosphere enough to effect weather is VERY expensive.
replied 2323d
It does. Look up the amount of wattage HAARP is capable of. It's publically disclosed.
replied 2323d
(cont.) the temp of just the water on earth by just 1 degree, it would need to be running for 26000553.46 years continuously.
replied 2323d
Ok, I'll bite: HAARP does 3.5 Billion watts, there's 3.25e23 gallons of water on earth. So, with some math it's easy to see that in order for HAARP to change... (cont.)
replied 2324d
It absolutely does.You just need enough power.You have thick skull isn't It?I could even build my own if I got enough money. Buy yourself a book about mechanical vibrations like I did
replied 2324d
I suggest toy read about more than mechanical vibrations. A physics text book at least might help you. I have read enough to know you are misinformed.