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April 06 2016 - 424 USD
April 06 2018 - 6607 USD
+1458.24% gain or X 15.58254716981132

April 06 2020 - 102953 USD :)

See ya all April 06 2020 at 102953 USD :)

replied 2431d
The only coin with a chance to get to 100000 is BCH. You forgot to mention most of that BTC run was before they realized BTC was broken.
replied 2431d
Hah did you even saw money cash flow ? ;) xD xD Dont worry we are steady going there ;) And nothing is broken, everythin works :D
replied 2431d
Also if what you say is true, then why aren't you using the BTC social media platform? LOL.
replied 2431d
I dont say o prefer it :P just check the graph where the money flows in :) I love both BTC and BCH ;)
replied 2431d
Can't be used as cash. It's broken. LMAO. That's the whole purpose.
replied 2431d
Real talk, i don't think either coin will reach previous BTC ATH in 2018. They will most likely both fall to sub hundreds or even lower than $100.
replied 2431d
See ya on 2020 ;) I dont care if i lost on it, the invested amount was already paid off tiiime agooo xD
replied 2431d
If BCH reaches $100 or lower I'm buying at least 10. HODL that into my grave if i have to.
replied 2430d
If BCH reaches $100 a coin, I’m buying 11.
replied 2431d
That being said, i don't believe BCH can be held down forever. It's the only coin that has the capacity to recover.