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2021d · Venezuela
Oh and one more thing for your ignorant head: if you want to talk about DEPENDENCY... look at Capitalism you stupid fuck... who are people dependent in Capitalism? THE CAPITALISTS... there is no democracy in Capitalism for this very reason, because Capitalists have corrupted everything... EVERYTHING. Government is meant to provide jobs... using tax from the people... building services and jobs for the people... so that people can benefit from their own work... this is a closed sustainable cycle... and it is because Capitalists and Monarchs who remove this balance and sustainability, and instead of everything workers produce coming back to the people who produced it, there are now PARASITES (Capitalists... and Monarchs also) who exploit work of the people and extract wealth their produce, then hoard this wealth for themsleves... and that is CANCER OF SOCIETY, and it is the ROOT CAUSE of every shit that happens in the world for the past 2 centuries.