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replied 2438d
How xactly do the Rich not get Richer with Proof-of-Work. They are the 1's with Capital 2 invest heavily in elite mining operations and profit off the Workers who run them. Plz xplain?
replied 2438d
1/5 Yes it's true, mining pools as they exist today are fairly Capitalist but they didn't have to be. Current mining pools are capitalist because the Capitalists who run them take the
replied 2438d
2/5 entire block reward and only give the workers in it the fees. However a solo miner back in 2009 was able to just run their miner on a graphics card and get the whole reward as they
replied 2438d
3/5 did the work. Mining pools could be run in a more co-op fashion though by simply having all the miners getting their share of block reward + fees based on the hash power they......
replied 2438d
4/5 provided. Each miner would also get an equal vote on how the pool was run. Currently miners in mining pools don't get a say in how the pool is run or how the profits are.....
replied 2438d
5/5 distributed. Mining is like this because it is surrounded by Capitalism, but mining was not designed with Capitalism in mind. Bitcoin is socialist, but the pools within aren't.
replied 2438d
Further, individual miners are free to choose any of the pools listed (with different reward algorithms) or even start their own with whatever rules they want.
replied 2438d
block rewards are distributed 2 the people in the pool based on the work they provide & often some time they've been with the pool
replied 2438d
I think Socialists & Communists r a minority in Bitcoin (BCH) because they don't seem to understand that only elite miners (Capitalists) can profit the most. When price is down and up.
replied 2438d
people with cheap electricity profit the most. (unless by elite you just mean best/most efficient not necessarily the largest) large miners can better deal with variance in reward time
replied 2438d
Speaking 2 efficiency of Capitalist miners who have access to best electricity rates. Luv to hear your & others opinion on this vid from where I side with.
replied 2438d
Really its about converting fiat to crypto efficiently. Could do this at the market (paying a premium at $6.5k) or could mine (more variables but reduced rate ($1-4k/BTC)
replied 2438d
Miners might operate at a short term loss now with the expectation of a price rise & their operation will be set up for future profit
replied 2438d
I agree with this too. I would add places with free cooling can also boost efficiency (like heating homes in the far north with miners). Have to also consider expected future value
replied 2438d
It's not about who can profit the most. It's about everyone being paid for their work. If the owners of large mining pools take most of the profits, the workers aren't paid enough.
replied 2438d
And as far as workers are concerned, they are the majority in any economic system. Capitalists are the minority who have an unfair advantage. Anyone in their right mind is Socialist.