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2076d · Bitcoin Cash
And here is with Roger Ver anarchists, now literally promoting ability to do hide criminal activity with their BCH shit:

Absolute DISGRACE... does Roger seem to miss spending time behind bars? I think he might get what he's asking for, unless BSV kills BCH first and he ends up broke and nothing left to promote.

Bitcoin system is created to get rid of criminals and corruption, and these fucks are fighting to keep it. So my judgement of them seems to be SPOT ON. Roger and his an-caps are nothing but lying scumbags, pretending to want to do something good for the world, but secretly just want to hide their own criminal activity and promote it.

BTC = scumbags working for the existing establishment / deep state
BCH = scumbags playing controlled opposition and are no better then the BTC scumbags

Both BTC and BCH and everything else is just scumbags lying to people and wanting to take their money, defend criminality & corruption, and BSV is the only thing that is actually fighting for honesty and TRUTH. This is why they are all collectively together attacking BSV and Craig Wright, the only person who is doing everything possible, like some superman, to fight these bastards and their corruption.

This is what this has come down to... this is literally GOOD vs EVIL
(in non-religious way)
replied 2075d
What is BSV implementing to stop criminal activity? Transparency? Government control?

BTC Bitcoin is transparent too, yet it's the most demanded coin in ransomware.
replied 2075d
Immutable trail evidence. I would have thought everyone should know this by now. And FYI, Control exists only when someone is able to change the protocol, so you saying BSV is government controlled is just rubbish, it is no different then what BTC liars say that miners are centralised. Government is meant to enforce LAW, which is separate from Bitcoin, Bitcoin exists within the law. Seems you want to allow criminal activity to be hidden, which says a lot about your fucked up mind.
replied 2075d
BTC and BCH already have immutable trails of evidence. Does the SV chain somehow block coinjoin or cashshuffle technologies? If not than SV is no morally superior than BCH
replied 2075d
erm...hello? Did you not see what Roger and rest of the ABC gang are about? Are you living under a rock?
replied 2075d
You didn't answer the question. What is SV doing differently to fight crime?
replied 2075d
Again, I would have thought you picked up on this already. It is immutable trail evidence. Same how having guns in society allows people to use them and kill others, and law enforcement is to prevent as much as possible and catch if crime is committed, Bitcoin (BSV) cannot stop people from transacting and doing something illegal, but it helps bring this activity to light, on the surface, so that those who did it, can be brought to justice. Money laundering won't be untraceable any more, some will still do it, but now they can't hide it any more. And this is the whole point of not allowing full anonymity, because the moment you can't trace something, you can be assured it is to be used for criminal activity, and this time you have no trace to catch them. And this is what Roger and those other stupid anarchists and an-caps want... now, if you still don't get it, then I can't be fucked to try to explain to you again. Take it or leave it as you wish, just think real hard on what side of truth/lies and good/bad you want to be.
replied 2075d
How does BSV shed any more light on criminal activity than BCH or BTC?
replied 2075d
Since there are no txs on BTC other than Exchange 2 Exchange, BTC only sheds light on Exchange criminal activity.