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replied 2202d
No. In capitalist business only the capitaliat has a say what to with the profits. Workers dont.
replied 2202d
so if a capitalist starts a company and keeps 100% of the 'money traded at market' (revenue) & decides not even pay the workers, no one will choose to work for him. workers have a say
replied 2202d
See how much work owner of Amazon or Facebook or any other globalist capitalist business does, compare that to amount of wealth they accumulate. You are ignorant as fuck.
replied 2201d
replied 2201d
Lame "argument" as all others. All cost capitalists has, is paid from products created by that worker. Capitalist does nothing but complains how he works hard & wants more. Get fucked.
replied 2201d
"all the organization for buying equipment, repairs, raw materials, paying taxes, advertising & logistics just happens on its own"
replied 2201d
$-ED-. Do you apply the same criticism of wealth accumulation vs actual work done to capitalist multi-millionaires (Roger Ver, Craig Wright etc.) within Bitcoin/Crypto?
replied 2201d
Global capitalists maintained by centralized money printing is just a fancy and misleading way to call communism.