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The Western world, as it is being devoured by the great mother archetype, is now in the hilarious situation where when a man beats up or kills his wife or girlfriend, or any other woman for that matter, he will receive a significantly less severe punishment if he starts identifying as a woman before the trial.

Because, according to the insanity that has taken over the West, some violence is worse than other violence. If a man beats/kills a woman that's "gender-based violence", which is a "hate crime", but if the perpetrator identifies as a woman, it's just common violence and results in milder sentences.

Add to that that women receive significantly milder sentences than men for the same crimes, and identifying as a woman becomes all but an get out of jail card. You might still go to jail, but a much shorter time and, on top of it all, you'll spent that time in a women's jail.

Today in the West identifying as a woman (which is as easy as getti...