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replied 2357d
Septmike, your post tell a different story. What U think is happening and what actually is, are 2 very different things. Keep smoking that crack & be triggered, you F'n poofta.
replied 2357d
Wow. Words that came right out of Trumps mouth. More evidence you don't think for yourself. You clearly are a Trump Fudge Digger. Keep smokin that crack pipe.
replied 2357d
Yep, you are a leftist. Leftist cant meme nor come up with anything original. Why don't you call me racist Nazi fascist straight happy rich white guy. That would hurrr'd me feelings.
replied 2357d
Yep either you are for a Bigot, Racist, Narcissist, Pathological liar, or you are a liberal. Since that's my only two choices, consider me a Liberal you F*cking Moron.