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Alex Gheorghiu
replied 2228d
A better look? Get some already it is the bargain of a lifetime.
replied 2227d
haha I did! I now have my very first BCH :D
replied 2227d
How much you bought?
Alex Gheorghiu
replied 2225d
What kind of a question is that? Never tell anyone how much you bought. That is private information. But we're all friends here I guess:)
replied 2227d
1 for now. I first want to see if merchants around me accept it (those i already pay with crypto).
I'll take more for long term investment next month
replied 2227d
Nice. I have like 0.5BCH just for memo. I am a Bitcoin maximumlist but I still love BCH. Do you own Bitcoin?
Alex Gheorghiu
replied 2225d
Really? Did you make that much just from tips?
replied 2225d
Alex Gheorghiu
replied 2225d
Oh sorry, I've read your memo wrong.

What is actually a Bitcoin Maximalist?
replied 2227d
I got rid of 99.5% of my BTCs since they are now completely useless.
replied 2227d
Same, feels unethical to hodl core coin.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
replied 2227d
Wow. You have a strong faith in BCH. I respect that.
replied 2227d
It's not about faith. BCH is much more useful as a matter of facts. And just as much as in real life, I don't hold on useless scraps.