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replied 2068d
Sk8eM dUb
Banks that work with xrp have direct contact with dev team.
All stablecoin creators on eth wil have contact wit eth team.
I dont see csw doing that, he just says fuck al the time lol.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2068d
You're not understanding me. ABC wants to be THE permenant go-to dev team like you're saying. But if they are, that means BCH is no better than BTC.
replied 2068d
There's one easy way to avoid that: use other clients like BU, XT, bcash... But it's a miner choice. I guess BU will gain more weight in the network.
replied 2068d
lols, ur right im not and same for you to me.
I dont want either abc,csw, the banks or gov on BCH
B&G can use eth,xrp or others..
Long term BCH real Bitcoin will unbank the banked.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2068d
You should want banks to use Bitcoin. It prevents them from doing fractional reserve lending. It's like having bank vaults with glass walls so you can see if your money is still there.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2068d
If a decently oil/mineral rich country decides to adopt a real sound money like BCH, the federal reserve will sick their dogs on them so quickly your head will spin.