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Comment on UI by Amaury Sechet... "you go to the website and look at the interface...its Back to the Future..looks like a website from the 90s."
Any comments?

replied 2425d
1/2 Memo is a protocol, is one implementation. I like it, at this stage. At this stage, this attracts only crypto fans, and we are ok with overlooking some design choices.
replied 2425d
We need some more content in here. You can now find all the top posts from r/btc crossposted on memo, LIVE! Check my profile.
replied 2424d
Great job on the crossposting bot from r/btc!
replied 2424d
Thanks man :)
replied 2425d
2/2 Blockpress design was a copy of twitter, and still didn't get anywhere near memo popularity. I know I disliked it.
replied 2425d
What? Amaury's not a fan of the mafakin 90's. Sad 2 hear. Create your own Memo client for your favorite decade then. Sites & understand.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2425d
Blockpress failed because they prioritized having a pretty face over strong bones and muscles. Making memo pretty is secondary to making it useful.
replied 2425d
All usability problems of memo are not complex and fixable. Memo, at least at protocol level, is here to stay. I think this is obvious to all who actually use it