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slow, I know...
late with learning about #NPC

"if you see people using this term,
my instinct would be to pity them
rather than be angry."

I tend to agree
stop labelling.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2292d
I'll only use this label if the responses are extremely extremely predictable - you know, like a robot
replied 2292d
You supported sherry calling me a troll, did you not? Hypocrite much?
replied 2292d
again, twisting.
It's there in writing,
I did not know what NPC was
after listening2 this video I agree.
Labelling is getting out of control,
I empathise with people that feel the need
replied 2292d
Uh huh. It's there in the blockchain.
If you think labeling is getting out of control, stop doing it yourself so often without reason.
But hey, I guess you feel the need. *shrugs*
replied 2292d
thank you for the chat.
replied 2292d
You're welcome.