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replied 2191d
Not under Capitalism it isn't. They'll do anything to jack the prices up to score more profits. And of course I didn't mean "everyone" but there is a lot:
replied 2191d
But uptick this year. Also, are they including overweight children in their malnourishment stats? Agree it’s malnourishment but see it as less of an issue than starving.
replied 2191d
In fact, more people are dying from bad food globally that starvation. So obesity might be the bigger issue. Not that either is more important than the other.
replied 2191d
Fault of the second case is very clearly on individual over indulging.
replied 2191d
They are not overindulging. They are tricked into eating and getting addicted to bad food. Similar to how the tabaco industry got a hold of society.
replied 2191d
person can be a healthy weight on twinkies and oreos. (& weight is the metric for health here). CICO
replied 2191d
This story is highly skewed. It's true that coloric restriction can help reduce weight but eating only Twinkies and Oreos means he's lacking essential nutrients to be truly healthy.
replied 2191d
its one thing to open the cabinet & see no food. its another to see plenty of food and just eat all of it. the first could be argued to be someone else's fault.
replied 2191d
What if the food in the pantry is all bad food and they don't eat all of it as once? And the only reason they only have bad food is because that's all they can afford. This is real.
replied 2191d
as for quality, people prioritize what they do in life.
replied 2191d
First of all, society is structured in a way that you need a car to get around. Some people don't need to but most do. 2nd maybe people buy certain luxuries because their jobs suck.
replied 2191d
Can you blame someone who's job sucks and they can't get another job anywhere else for buying a small luxury to ease the pain of their shitty life? I can't.
replied 2191d
Who’s to say they’re not happy being overweight?
replied 2190d
So, by that logic people must be happy being diabetic or have heart disease as well. Because most overweight people have these problems as well.
replied 2190d
I dont buy it. I also wont force them to live according to my standards of health or happiness.
replied 2190d
Who's saying anything about forcing? Armed with the knowledge of which foods are healthy, the can choose to eat healthy or not. My problem is with industry propaganda confusing people.
replied 2190d
fair enough. but I mean the companies are already forced to add labels with all ingredients & nutrition info. customers learn to read these things or live in ignorance.
replied 2190d
haha, agree here. thats the whole point of the fat acceptance movement. to convince themselves (and others) that they're genuinely happy.
replied 2191d
like I said, people will prioritize whatever they choose in their life. it is not up to us to judge their life. are they choosing an unhealthy life? yes. we all do to some extent.
replied 2191d
who bought the food? if these people aren't responsible for what they literally put in their mouth what will you hold them accountable for?!
replied 2191d
have the time to cook it because they are working 8 hours a day making barely enough money to even keep a roof over their heads. It's the Capitalists I held accountable for this.
replied 2191d
what, if anything, do you hold people responsible for? not their weight/diet, not their job. sounds more like you're talking about cattle.
replied 2191d
I do believe that people can and must take personal responsibility for their health and happiness. But, Capitalists do a lot to limit the choices we have and the censor and skew facts.
replied 2191d
communists/socialists always want to have their cake and eat it too. are ppl responsible or not? even walmart has thousands of SKU numbers in every store. that is not limited choice.
replied 2190d
Sure Walmart has choices but you can't tell me the Capitalists don't nudge people into making all the wrong choices for their personal gain.
replied 2190d
yeah agree here. they'll nudge all they can. customers will buy perpetual motion machines.
replied 2191d
You miss the point. Bad food is artificially made cheaper by the Government so that's all the working poor can buy. It's possible to buy better food for the same price but they don't..
replied 2191d
bad food artificially cheaper by government. capitalists fault? agree that subsidies (like corn) are bad and should be removed.
replied 2191d
Yes, corn farmers are Capitalists are they not? They lobbbied (bribed) Congress to grant them this subsidy. And other Capitalists profit with crap like HFCS, Corn Oil, milled corn, etc
replied 2191d
That everyone knows is over sugared (even if it weren’t written on every package).
replied 2191d
and people bought it. they chose a place to live, chose a super market to go to, and stood in the super market, and freely chose to purchase over sugared food.
replied 2191d
people are buying stuff without HFCS so they are trying to put Natural Sweetener as a code word for it. Yes people can make their own decisions but industry makes it difficult.
replied 2191d
Yes, people can shop at the right grocery stores and read the labels but not everyone has the time or the energy to do that. And the Corn industry is getting wise to the fact that.....
replied 2191d
How is it less of an issue? You can certainly die from obesity. And what a waste of resources feeding people stuff that will kill them anyway. Doesn't really make sense to me.
replied 2191d
well really with parents who let them overindulge. Can’t really blame the kids.
replied 2191d
Not blaming the kids, parents, or even the doctors. It's powerful industries that are selling bad food to parents telling them that it's good for them. And profiting from that.
replied 2191d
not saying you're blaming the kids my other reply here sounded like I was blaming the kids for overindulging. God forbid we expect the parents to take any responsibility.
replied 2191d
not saying its ok. just when I hear stats of child malnourishment I think of thin, starving children without access to food. not those who have too much food & choose to over indulge.
replied 2191d
thank you for providing a link (what shortener?). I was thinking of this plot showing poverty. seems malnutrition was trending downwards.
replied 2191d That's still more than half of the world population living on $2 or less a day. If Capitalism is really helping why isn't it 0%? Even so, poverty != starvation
replied 2191d
thanks for the shortener. 52% was in ~1992, projected at 10% for 2015. I mean it's getting there, takes time.
replied 2191d
No problem. Maybe so, but it would be a lot faster under socialism.
replied 2191d
if only someone were brave enough to try real socialism/communism.
replied 2191d
Oh come on! That's Capitalist propaganda. Here's the truth:
replied 2191d
thanks for the link, at least this is fresh. belongs in the top thread. I'll watch a few of these