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2018d · Craig Steven Wright
Here is video with proper explanation of what Marx was talking about (CRITICISING CAPITALISM) and what became the base for SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM, as SOLUTIONS to CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION and never ending drive to PRIVATISE THE WHOLE PLANET which will end up in hands of very few people... THE CAPITALISTS
Craig Wright should educate himself about what Marxism really is also, as every time he talks about Marxism, Socialism or Communism, he is talking out of his ass. CAPITALISM is PRIVATISATION ONLY, and not competition or getting everyone wealthier or that trickle down economics garbage, or free markets or trade... all Capitalism is, is PRIVATE OWNESHIP OF MEANS OF PRODUCTION (aka Business). Craig needs to stop talking out of his ass and as he likes to learn about many things, he should learn this also. The creator of Bitcoin doesn't even know that PoW is COMMUNIST principle, that shows how badly creator of Bitcoin is brainwashed about Capitalism and Communism.