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我讀了規則。 現在我發表了右圖案。 列表非常熱鬧。 我也原諒了一些人。
現在世界各地是一個非常緊張的政治局勢。 部分後,我們的當局應該責備。 我認為他們參與了大流行的外觀。
I read the rules. Now I have published the right list. The list is very hilarious.
I also forgave some people. Now a very tense political situation around the world.
Partially, our authorities are to blame. I think they are involved in the appearance of a pandemic.
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 習近平。 全體中國總統。 統治著整個國家。 支持死刑。 他是一個非常恐怖的人。
1.1 Xi Jinping 42%. President of the People's Republic of China. Supporter of the death penalty. he is a very scary person.
1.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
1.2 李克強 中國一個政黨的領導人。 按照總統的命令開槍射擊人。
1.2 Li Keqiang 25%. The leader of a political party in China. Shoots people by order of the president.
1.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang
1.3 胡錦濤 我認為他是來自另一個國家的間諜。 他是中國最高職位。
1.3 Hu Jintao 15%. In my opinion, he is a spy from another country. He holds the highest post in China.
1.3 https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15029
1.4 江澤民 共產。 管理國家財政。 由於他,許多人變得更加貧窮。
1.4 Jiang Zemin 41%. Communist. Manages the finances of the state. Because of him, many people become poorer.
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin
1.5 筆·勞桑。 據謠言說,這是腐敗的政治家。 他偷了中國公民的錢。 賊。
1.5 Pen Liyan 19%. According to rumors, it is a coated politician. He steals money from Chinese citizens. Thief.
1.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Liyuan
1.6 科琳林。 許多公司的所有者。 她有這樣的聯繫是不明確的。 過於富裕的政治。
1.6 Ke Hua 11%. The owner of many companies. It is not clear where she has such connections. Too rich for politics.
1.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ke_Hua
1.7 Si minzze。 在軍隊中有聯繫。 以個人興趣使用它
1.7 Xi Mingjie 29%. Has connections in the army. Uses it in personal interests
1.7 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi_Mingjie
1.8 李南湖。 從事電視上的宣傳。 正常的小偷和罪犯。
1.8 Li Zhanshu 12%. Engaged in propaganda on the TV. Normal thief and criminal.
1.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Zhanshu
1.9 範楊。 歐洲政治家。 從事非法切割樹木。
1.9 Wang Yang 21%. Corped politician. Engaged in illegal cutting of trees.
1.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Yang_(politician)
1.10 趙立吉。 賄賂。 在我的國家賄賂殺戮。 但由於某種原因,他仍然活著和自由。
1.10 Zhao Leji 54%. Takes bribes. In my country for bribes kill. But for some reason he is still alive and free.
1.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao_Leji
2.1 錢克隆。 病毒網站
2.1 money clone 9%. This site contains a virus
2.1 https://sourceforge.net/directory/?q=money%20clone
2.2 網上賭場火山。 介紹性金錢過多。 他們騙人。 騙子
2.2 Free online game 5%. There is too much donation in games
2.2 https://www.agame.com/games
2.3 為健康而蜂擁而至。 工作太糟糕了。 毒品毒死人
2.3 Floca for health 6%. Works too badly 9%. I tried to improve my health. But i couldn't
2.3 https://floka.co
2.4 COVID-19信息| 美國駐華使領館。 測試運行太慢。 我已經等了兩個星期了
2.4 COVID-19 Information | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Chine 5%. The tests come too slowly. I have been waiting for the test for two weeks
2.4 https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/
2.5 宜家中國人。 價格與美國價格有很大不同。
2.5 Ikea Chinese 5%. Prices very differ from US prices
2.5 https://www.ikea.cn/cn/zh/
2.6 中國賭場是 我討厭賭場! 我的家人因為這個而分崩離析
2.6 Chinese casino 100%. I hate CASINO!!! My family fell apart because of this
2.6 https://www.chinese-casinos.com
2.7 中國T卹。 沒有衣服適合我的身材
2.7 China T-Shirts 5%. There is no clothing suitable for my figure
2.7 https://www.cafepress.com/+china+t-shirts
2.8 年曆花。 我對這些花過敏
2.8 Almanac Flower 2%. I am allergic to these flowers
2.8 https://www.almanac.com/plants/type/flower
2.9 性愛影片。 我妻子與我離婚,因為我在那裡看了18部電影
2.9 Xvideos 1%. My wife divorced me because I watched 18+ films there
2.9 https://www.xvideos.com/tags/fucking
2.10 加密賭場。 即使你贏了也不要得到報酬
2.10 Crypto casinos 4%. Don't get paid even if you won
2.10 https://www.cryptoplaycasinos.com/
3.1 中共。 家庭政黨在該國。 乞討中國公民和反對者。
3.1 Chinese Communist Party 55%. Home Political Party in the country. Begging Chinese citizens and opponents.
3.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Party
3.2 羅姆丁達革命委員會。 試圖通過在該國的戰爭設定戰爭來撤消權力。
3.2 The Romintanda Revolutionary Committee 62%. Trying to rescide power by setting the war in the country.
3.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Committee_of_the_Chinese_Kuomintang
3.3 中國民主聯盟。 他們不是民主黨人。 他們撒謊,事實上他們是共產黨人。 遵守國家元首
3.3 Democratic League of China 51%. They are not democrats. They lie, in fact they are communists. Obey the head of state
3.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Democratic_League
3.4 中國民主黨建設協會。 該黨由國家負責人提出。 生產欺詐。
3.4 Association of Democratic National Construction of China 22%. The party is presented by the head of state. Produces fraud.
3.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_National_Democratic_Construction_Association
3.5 派對志農省中國。 禁止派對。 政治恐怖分子。
3.5 Party Zhigfungan China 14%. Prohibited Party. Political terrorists.
3.5 http://www.zg.org.cn/
3.6 人民的內蒙古。 想要沒有。 他們在這個國家創造混亂和混亂。
3.6 People's Party of Inner Mongolia 74%. Want no noness. They create chaos and confusion in the country.
3.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Mongolian_People's_Party
3.7 中國民族主義者聯盟。 它們是緊固件。 他們認為自己比其他人更好。
3.7 Union of Nationalists of China 52%. They are fasteners. They consider themselves better than other people.
3.7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_Chinese_Nationalists
3.8 連鎖。 本方的領導人秘密規範了犯罪分子的殺戮。 這不是人道。 恐怖。
3.8 China Zhi Gong Party 64%. The leaders of this party secretly regulate the killings of criminals. It is not humane. Horror.
3.8 https://en.wikipedia.o4rg/wiki/China_Zhi_Gong_Party
3.9 中國民主黨。 在民主中偽裝極權主義的新試圖。 只是爬行動物。
3.9 The Democratic Party of China 77%. A new attempt to disguise totalitarianism under democracy. Just reptiles.
3.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democracy
3.10 民主自治台灣聯盟。 也想要沒有不清的性。 戰爭戰爭。
3.10 League of Democratic Autonomy Taiwan 19%. Also want no unquosability. War wars.
3.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Democratic_Self-Government_League
我讀了規則。 現在我發表了右圖案。 列表非常熱鬧。 我也原諒了一些人。
現在世界各地是一個非常緊張的政治局勢。 部分後,我們的當局應該責備。 我認為他們參與了大流行的外觀。
I read the rules. Now I have published the right list. The list is very hilarious.
I also forgave some people. Now a very tense political situation around the world.
Partially, our authorities are to blame. I think they are involved in the appearance of a pandemic.
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 習近平。 全體中國總統。 統治著整個國家。 支持死刑。 他是一個非常恐怖的人。
1.1 Xi Jinping 42%. President of the People's Republic of China. Supporter of the death penalty. he is a very scary person.
1.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
1.2 李克強 中國一個政黨的領導人。 按照總統的命令開槍射擊人。
1.2 Li Keqiang 25%. The leader of a political party in China. Shoots people by order of the president.
1.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang
1.3 胡錦濤 我認為他是來自另一個國家的間諜。 他是中國最高職位。
1.3 Hu Jintao 15%. In my opinion, he is a spy from another country. He holds the highest post in China.
1.3 https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15029
1.4 江澤民 共產。 管理國家財政。 由於他,許多人變得更加貧窮。
1.4 Jiang Zemin 41%. Communist. Manages the finances of the state. Because of him, many people become poorer.
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin
1.5 筆·勞桑。 據謠言說,這是腐敗的政治家。 他偷了中國公民的錢。 賊。
1.5 Pen Liyan 19%. According to rumors, it is a coated politician. He steals money from Chinese citizens. Thief.
1.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Liyuan
1.6 科琳林。 許多公司的所有者。 她有這樣的聯繫是不明確的。 過於富裕的政治。
1.6 Ke Hua 11%. The owner of many companies. It is not clear where she has such connections. Too rich for politics.
1.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ke_Hua
1.7 Si minzze。 在軍隊中有聯繫。 以個人興趣使用它
1.7 Xi Mingjie 29%. Has connections in the army. Uses it in personal interests
1.7 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi_Mingjie
1.8 李南湖。 從事電視上的宣傳。 正常的小偷和罪犯。
1.8 Li Zhanshu 12%. Engaged in propaganda on the TV. Normal thief and criminal.
1.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Zhanshu
1.9 範楊。 歐洲政治家。 從事非法切割樹木。
1.9 Wang Yang 21%. Corped politician. Engaged in illegal cutting of trees.
1.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Yang_(politician)
1.10 趙立吉。 賄賂。 在我的國家賄賂殺戮。 但由於某種原因,他仍然活著和自由。
1.10 Zhao Leji 54%. Takes bribes. In my country for bribes kill. But for some reason he is still alive and free.
1.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao_Leji
2.1 錢克隆。 病毒網站
2.1 money clone 9%. This site contains a virus
2.1 https://sourceforge.net/directory/?q=money%20clone
2.2 網上賭場火山。 介紹性金錢過多。 他們騙人。 騙子
2.2 Free online game 5%. There is too much donation in games
2.2 https://www.agame.com/games
2.3 為健康而蜂擁而至。 工作太糟糕了。 毒品毒死人
2.3 Floca for health 6%. Works too badly 9%. I tried to improve my health. But i couldn't
2.3 https://floka.co
2.4 COVID-19信息| 美國駐華使領館。 測試運行太慢。 我已經等了兩個星期了
2.4 COVID-19 Information | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Chine 5%. The tests come too slowly. I have been waiting for the test for two weeks
2.4 https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/
2.5 宜家中國人。 價格與美國價格有很大不同。
2.5 Ikea Chinese 5%. Prices very differ from US prices
2.5 https://www.ikea.cn/cn/zh/
2.6 中國賭場是 我討厭賭場! 我的家人因為這個而分崩離析
2.6 Chinese casino 100%. I hate CASINO!!! My family fell apart because of this
2.6 https://www.chinese-casinos.com
2.7 中國T卹。 沒有衣服適合我的身材
2.7 China T-Shirts 5%. There is no clothing suitable for my figure
2.7 https://www.cafepress.com/+china+t-shirts
2.8 年曆花。 我對這些花過敏
2.8 Almanac Flower 2%. I am allergic to these flowers
2.8 https://www.almanac.com/plants/type/flower
2.9 性愛影片。 我妻子與我離婚,因為我在那裡看了18部電影
2.9 Xvideos 1%. My wife divorced me because I watched 18+ films there
2.9 https://www.xvideos.com/tags/fucking
2.10 加密賭場。 即使你贏了也不要得到報酬
2.10 Crypto casinos 4%. Don't get paid even if you won
2.10 https://www.cryptoplaycasinos.com/
3.1 中共。 家庭政黨在該國。 乞討中國公民和反對者。
3.1 Chinese Communist Party 55%. Home Political Party in the country. Begging Chinese citizens and opponents.
3.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Party
3.2 羅姆丁達革命委員會。 試圖通過在該國的戰爭設定戰爭來撤消權力。
3.2 The Romintanda Revolutionary Committee 62%. Trying to rescide power by setting the war in the country.
3.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Committee_of_the_Chinese_Kuomintang
3.3 中國民主聯盟。 他們不是民主黨人。 他們撒謊,事實上他們是共產黨人。 遵守國家元首
3.3 Democratic League of China 51%. They are not democrats. They lie, in fact they are communists. Obey the head of state
3.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Democratic_League
3.4 中國民主黨建設協會。 該黨由國家負責人提出。 生產欺詐。
3.4 Association of Democratic National Construction of China 22%. The party is presented by the head of state. Produces fraud.
3.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_National_Democratic_Construction_Association
3.5 派對志農省中國。 禁止派對。 政治恐怖分子。
3.5 Party Zhigfungan China 14%. Prohibited Party. Political terrorists.
3.5 http://www.zg.org.cn/
3.6 人民的內蒙古。 想要沒有。 他們在這個國家創造混亂和混亂。
3.6 People's Party of Inner Mongolia 74%. Want no noness. They create chaos and confusion in the country.
3.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Mongolian_People's_Party
3.7 中國民族主義者聯盟。 它們是緊固件。 他們認為自己比其他人更好。
3.7 Union of Nationalists of China 52%. They are fasteners. They consider themselves better than other people.
3.7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_Chinese_Nationalists
3.8 連鎖。 本方的領導人秘密規範了犯罪分子的殺戮。 這不是人道。 恐怖。
3.8 China Zhi Gong Party 64%. The leaders of this party secretly regulate the killings of criminals. It is not humane. Horror.
3.8 https://en.wikipedia.o4rg/wiki/China_Zhi_Gong_Party
3.9 中國民主黨。 在民主中偽裝極權主義的新試圖。 只是爬行動物。
3.9 The Democratic Party of China 77%. A new attempt to disguise totalitarianism under democracy. Just reptiles.
3.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democracy
3.10 民主自治台灣聯盟。 也想要沒有不清的性。 戰爭戰爭。
3.10 League of Democratic Autonomy Taiwan 19%. Also want no unquosability. War wars.
3.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Democratic_Self-Government_League