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2070d · Bitcoin SV
Faketoshi is an embarrassment to every shit version user. His criminality and fraud will bankrupt his followers. #delisbsv
replied 2070d
Mate, you really should ease on the Fakeoshi thing, pause and re-think everything you think you know, and quite frankly, I think you should just wait out to see what courts conclude whether Craig is Satoshi or not.
replied 2070d
As much as I hate BSV and its zealots, bitcoinmagazine and James Lopp hurt the cause of p2p money more than Faketoshi and his pimp calvin could ever do.
replied 2070d
Fraudtoshi supporters are as ignorant as Trump supporters. I used to think Fraudtoshi was the way to go myself. But I have my own brain and realized he is just a con. Sock puppets.