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replied 2416d
Bitcoin Faucet
Lightning is on mainnet. Use it. Not this Ver scam BCash.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2416d
lol LN doesn't work. It's more centralzied than a bank.

replied 2416d
LN does work. I use it to buy coffee every now and then. Never a single payment failure. BCash is a broken solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
replied 2414d
You have never used LN to buy coffee
replied 2414d
Real coffee, maybe not. But this website works like a charm.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2416d
Really? Did you pay $10 to open a chanel and wait 3 hours for a confirmation to pay 50 cents for your coffee?
replied 2416d
Nope. Paid the one time network fee and got into the next block. Ez pz. After that it's smooth sailing with LN from there.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2416d
So now blockstream holds all your coin and you can never take it out.
You're probably the dumbest shill i've ever seen.
replied 2416d
Blockstream can't access my funds dumbass. Seriously. Download an Eclair wallet and quit shilling BCash.
En Fri Mand
replied 2414d
I tried this game: with Eclair wallet, but I couldn't receive, what I won.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
1000 Min bet on LN? That seems high.
En Fri Mand
replied 2414d
Haha yes.
replied 2414d
You need a wallet that can generate a payment request for the website to send to. It's not rocket science.
En Fri Mand
replied 2414d
Do you know a wallet, you can recommend? I tried with Zap, but LND crashed on my pc, when I started it, and I haven't managed to get it running properly.
replied 2414d
There is plenty of people willing to help you figure out on r/Bitcoin and r/LightningNetwork
En Fri Mand
replied 2413d
Thank you. I will try that.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2416d
Actually don't bother responding im muting you now.
replied 2416d
BCash scamming pussy...
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2416d
okay smarty pants, what do you do if you have $5 in LN and the network fee is $10? How do you withdraw?
By the way did you know you can't reiceve funds on LN?
replied 2415d
are you going to waste your time talking with this one? just leave it alone in his stupidity.
En Fri Mand
replied 2414d
Actually there is this wallet: where you can receive through LN. I didn't get it to work though - I don't know if I did something wrong.
replied 2414d
Reading through that link, my 1st impression as a "LN noob" is that LN is very risky and could lock away money for days.. makes me reluctant to even put in $20 to play around with it.
replied 2414d
Nobody can tell if they've done something wrong. That's the problem with LN.
replied 2416d
You don't. Spend the rest later.
replied 2415d
How. The. Fuck. Are. You. Even. Using. This. Forum. Trollcunt
replied 2415d
Social Networks like this shouldn't exist on Bitcoin. Too expensive, too slow to actually stand the test of time. @Bitpico will rip this chain into pieces when he attacks central nodes
replied 2415d
Memo is recording on chain your stupidity forever. Watch out!
replied 2415d
This chain won't last forever. BCash will be dead within 2-3 months.
replied 2415d
Yes according to Adam Back and salty George a year ago :D
replied 2413d
I can't tell if you are serious or not. enjoy using bch anyways
replied 2414d
>Social Networks like this shouldn't exist on Bitcoin

But it does, and you're using it. :)

>Too expensive, too slow

1sat per byte is the cheapest anywhere, and 0-conf is seconds :)
replied 2414d
stop, praising boku no bitpico, youre gayfriend only do is bragging about how deep he can get on a cucumber. youre name suits you very well, were out of funny animals so youre welcome.
replied 2415d
Slow? Slow? Try sending your btc for the same fees you're paying for these chats and you'll be introduced to a whole new dimension of slow
replied 2415d
Bitcoin is fast when not used by spammers posting their cat gif links on the blockchain every few seconds.
replied 2415d
Bitcoin is permissionless. Who are you to tell us what can we do with it?
replied 2415d
You can waste your money if you want. Doesn't mean it was ever a good idea. Satoshi never made BTC for small payments, which is why he knew sidechains were needed.
replied 2414d
Satoshi envisioned online, permissionless micropayments from the very first release. :)
replied 2414d
And then later he realized the need for sidechains to scale. Dumbass.
replied 2414d
Where did he say that?
replied 2414d
Once [Bitcoin] gets bootstrapped[...]you could effortlessly pay a few cents to a website as easily as dropping coins in a vending machine.

- Satoshi (RE: Bitcoin V0.1 Released)
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
Still waiting for HTTP Error Code 402 (Payment Required) to enter general usage.
replied 2414d
Difference between HTTP 402 and Bitcoin is that Bitcoin actually made progress in that area ;)
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
I would image the majority of these types of payments will be of the the mico-type. If a single chain is to become the default, it will need to be able to handle these transactions.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
Again, a fundamental misunderstanding: this time of my point. 402 says "use something to pay us", crypto is only one way to pay.
replied 2414d
402 is then obviously obsolete, since it has gained no traction, and crypto has.

I don't really understand where HTTP 402 comes into play when regarding crypto micropayments.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
They are complimentary technologies, not in competition.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
402 Errors are returned by a website when you need to make a payment for access. Access could be a snail-mailed OAuth token, but crypto now makes this feasible.That's why I'm waiting.
replied 2414d
Ahhh. 402 initiates payment, then crypto is used for that payment. Yeah, I see your point now. I guess BIP70 supercedes the HTTP402 in this case
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
402s been around for a long time, but "Reserved for future use": Already part of the HTTP protocol, and would just take BIP70 on top as a data format. BIP70 is new to me, will read up.
replied 2414d
I don't dispute that. Personally I will use what works reliably and securely, whichever becomes commonplace is fine by me, so long as crypto is the underlying asset used for payments
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2414d
Here's an example implementation combining the two (not mine, not tested):
replied 2414d
[Bitcoin] could get started in a narrow niche like reward points, donation tokens, currency for a game or micropayments for adult sites.

- Satoshi Nakamoto (RE: Bitcoin V0.1 Released)
replied 2414d
I know how the narrative follows: Bitcoin isn't designed for people who earn less than $2/day. BTW, memo posts are small payments.
replied 2414d
Bitcoin isn't for people who earn less than $2/day. Lightning Network, is. Maybe a Memo can be made with lightning. Who knows?
replied 2414d
>BTC isn't for people who earn less than $2/day

Fixed that for you.

Bitcoin is for everybody :)
replied 2414d
I can prove to you that Bitcoin is for everybody:

That's you, my friend! :D
replied 2414d
LN isn't even ready for the average consumer making $100/day because the UX expectation is high but the delivery is less than satisfactory. Too much risk even for small txs.
replied 2415d
I imagine that enforcing an unnecessary 1mb block limit would slow down a blockchain a LOT more than the occasional kitty cat. Have fun not being able to spend your "store of value"
replied 2415d
Slows down the blockchain, but at least it lasts. Sidechains are for small payments. End of story.
replied 2414d
>but at least it lasts

how does a 1MB limit on block size make a blockchain "last"? What exactly is the BTC chain enduring that a 1MB block size allows it to persevere?
replied 2414d
BCH is fast regardless because there's enough block space to fit all the "spammy cat gif links" + all of the txs people do currently + millions more :)

I'd like to see a tx w/ cat gif
replied 2415d
Bitcoin is fast when barely anybody is using it. But doesn't change the fact that even in slow times it's still more than 10x more expensive. You are clearly an idiot.
replied 2415d
Uh, you can still get 1 sat/byte tx's through on BTC.
replied 2415d
Prove it to me. Where's the BTC social media platform? LMAO Oh yeah it's Reddit. LMAO. You can lie, but you are just lying to yourself.
replied 2414d
I've already explained it to you. Social platforms shouldn't exist on blockchain. This bloat and spam will only make BCash die faster.
replied 2414d
That is your opinion, but so far 2775 think differently. And you are obviously here posting and helping with BCH transactions. So thanks.
replied 2416d
It's 2018, you should be switching to PayPal
replied 2416d
PayPal is centralized.
replied 2414d
What nonexistent problem is BCH failing to fix?
replied 2414d
Hmmm, needs more side-chain? Tabs?
replied 2414d
The scaling issue on-chain. The solution was always intended to be sidechains.
replied 2414d
Did that idea originate with Satoshi? Where did he say that?
replied 2414d
Yes, it did.
replied 2414d
Doesn't seem like Satoshi envisioned sidechains but rather envisioned natural - yet not complete - centralization
replied 2414d
Well i suppose the BCash shitshow ain't over till the fat bearded lady sings.
replied 2414d
To each their own :)
replied 2414d
When are you singing?
replied 2414d
Never. I'm not fat, bearded and i don't sing.
replied 2414d
as the [Bitcoin] network grows[...][full-node operations] would be left more and more to server farms of specialized hardware

- Satoshi (RE: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper)
replied 2414d
Link to source, please
replied 2415d
man you must have the IQ of a worm.
replied 2415d
Ver IS a worm.
replied 2415d
And you are douche. Doesn't change the fact that BTC is broken and BCH is going to crush it.
replied 2415d
BTC is going to survive. BCash is going to be destroyed when the datacenter with 98% of the nodes is hit with an attack.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2415d
If you call that "surviving".
replied 2414d
Yes, i do consider having my chain safe from these attacks as having a greater chance of survival long term. Sue me.
replied 2415d
You wish BTC is going to survive. Businesses are actually dropping BTC. That would be a concern, don't you think? BTC is losing market share because it doesn't work. Plain and simple.
replied 2414d
It will come back once LN becomes adopted. BCash isn't the solution. All this work, for nothing.
replied 2414d
If LN becomes adopted, BTC is doomed. As a LN dev once said, LN is BIGGER than BTC.
replied 2414d
Yeah keep waiting. LOL.