Which of course we cannot expect super-technical developers to understand the economics of this system, bitcoin is not a software project for a client! it is an economic, global payment system
Devs can understand the economics of the system as well as anyone else. But as long as you are asserting that they cannot, please explain who is qualified to understand it.
I don't mean to say they cannot, but today it's clear to me that they do not. Economic consequences must be considered, not just technical - positive or negative.
I think you are making a strong assertion on weak evidence. I have not seen any well-argued economic consequences - I assume you are talking about the ABC-spec?
Yes, my first post is a link to a comment where am abc dev states large miners suffer from improved block propagation, which in their own words CTOR is a "game-changer" for
Are you suggesting that we want to have block propagation orders of magnitude more expensive than it needs to be? Current clients are stupidly inefficient compared to what is possible.
I'm suggesting I dont think a fix for it should be applied to the base protocol. im all for client improvements, just not base fixes that level the playing field
If it's something that optimizes for the mid-term future but compromises the entire project in the long term, obviously it's stupid and possibly malicious.