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replied 2400d
Pi is wrong! Long live Tau, the one true circle constant!
replied 2400d
τ and π both have their advantages, I just prefer π because I'm more familiar with it
replied 2400d
Ah yes. The constant used to calculate everything from the diameter of a wheel of cheese to the orbital trajectories of multi-billion dollar solar system probes is wrong.
replied 2400d
And in the OP formula, using τ would just change the constant coefficient to 4 instead of 2. Hardly a travesty either way.
replied 2400d
I just hate people using buzzphrases to claim something that isn't true. Pi isn't wrong. People just prefer a different constant. Whatever.
replied 2400d
Tau isn't crazy, it's just 2π & it makes sense sometimes. Diam = τ*radius which is more sensible that 2*π*r. 2*π keeps showing up, so it's not unreasonable to use that.
replied 2400d
The constant used everywhere, in every field of mathematics that involves anything circular. Is wrong. You never cease to amaze LR. Ignorant on economics, politics and even mathematics
replied 2400d
Your next evolution is trying to aggressively push flat earth conspiracies.
replied 2400d
It's odd even physics students are not proving it's a globe, despite the fact it's pretty easy and cheap to prove what's the shape with lasers
replied 2400d
If someone wants to invent a powerful visible-light laser and point it level with the horizon to prove it either way, go for it.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2400d
But what if it were profitable to not do so? Sheep's cloths look really silly on a wolf, but not to a sheep.
replied 2400d
If the Earth is flat, the laser should be able to strike a point equal in relative elevation anywhere on the plane.
replied 2400d
Don't even need lasers, the issue's clearly demonstrated by propagation of radio. It's why TV/Radio towers are needed & you can directly calculate how far it will go over flat terrain.
replied 2400d
If it's round/globe the laser should move tangentially away from the surface.