Its communistic because in communism there is no capitalist or state to take their cut of profits. Wealth workers produce from their own work goes to the workers instead.
if someone doesn't do any work, they should not be getting any rewards, its that simple. Monarchs get wealth from others, capitalist do also, the state does also, feudalist also.
This is why all of these system are exploitative, because there is always a person or group of people who take wealth that is generated from work of others. They are parasitic systems.
If miner hires people to maintain his machines, its still the machines that do the work, and other people are providing him with a service for which they get paid for fully....
...unless those workers have some middle man also that will take a cut of their earnings (which is what managers do etc). The process of mining is still done by miner himself.
It also seems, you have no idea what's the point of different roles are in a business and how businesses operate. Again, this is the core reason, why idiots think communism is good.
See, if someone else does the work to produce something, which is sold at some price later, if that person doesn't get all the value they produced, it means someone took a cut.
Miner would not be using other people to mine Bitcoin, he would be using their maintenance service. His miners (machines) which come from him only, are the ones that do the mining work