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replied 2462d
We need more Trolls like @Pewdiepie88 on Memo. No? Also, many thanks for your generosity on this special day on Memo as well @CityBusDriverBitcoin🚍.
replied 2462d
And less like the guy who stole the Satoshi Nakamoto name here.
replied 2462d
Respectfully disagree. He adds to the Memo/BCH transaction count.
replied 2462d
This is the ultimate free speech. Even people with different opinions are encouraged to talk. Very 😎
replied 2462d
A relatively insignificant impact compared to tipping 100k to newcomers (and others).
replied 2462d
Unless illegal, I find no transaction to be insignificant.
replied 2462d
Me too. That's why I said "relatively". Bootstrapping newcomers to this platform and making them use their BCH is way more significant, no?
replied 2462d
Newcomers, Oldcomers. I see all transactions on Memo as significant. The more the merrier. Just no murderer for hire Memos please.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2462d
I see this as currently a failing point of Memo: If there are scripts and sites that do not filter content, people will go there. A fully-uncensored Memo DAPP is the way to go IMHO.
replied 2462d
I agree, the Front End should match the Back End without getting anyone into any legal troubles. Memos transaction count was highest when it was most raw.
replied 2462d
I believe he is a toxic troll
replied 2462d
How is he Toxic?
replied 2461d
I dont believe jes toxic either, I do also believe that this guys or pewdiepie88 has a good intension promoting bch as well as memo.