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replied 2455d
They're the people who confront angry customers when YOU workers make a mistake or a fuck up. You often don't bear the brunt of the consequences and only get a yelling by your manager.
replied 2455d
Also just because someone yells at you sometimes, does not mean you should be getting overly rewarded from other people's work, you think workers don't get yelled at? So no, not at all
replied 2455d
Lot of companies have spokes people, people doing this exact thing, large businesses have CEO do this if its big fuck up but not the owner, so no, you are not correct at all.
replied 2455d
Ok, tell your CEO the next time an angry customer makes a complaint, you will handle it.
replied 2455d
That's not my job, its CEO job. Is that worth him getting 1000x higher wage? Come on, you're brainwashed. Capitalists are NOT helping workers, workers are helping the capitalist.