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2223d · memo
How memo becomes a blogging platform
replied 2223d
Nice!!! A little thing but so much value! #unfuckening
replied 2223d
#unfuckening before #flippening? Who would have thunk?
replied 2223d
The OP_RETURN limit have gone on BSV. Good feature!
replied 2223d
Is BCH considering removing the limit for OP_RETURN?
replied 2223d
I don't think so. lots of talking in circles on the BCH dev meeting on YT...
replied 2223d
I wonder how it's fabricated and parsed? Further, are there any SPV clients that can request segments of the blockchain from the network at will? Good project idea
replied 2223d
I wonder how it's fabricated and parsed? Further, are there any SPV clients that can request segments of the blockchain from the network at will? Good project idea
replied 2223d
@memo, maybe lock the post reply button/submit bind to the return key? Not sure how this was double posted.