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replied 2412d
it seems no one got it right! lots of people were overoptimistic, 86k Txs only :/
replied 2412d
People involved in crypto get overoptimistic all the time. The truth is, crypto is not used by general public, and I wonder if 'regular Joe' can see any benefit in using this.
replied 2412d
In Venezuela, where inflation is devouring citizens' savings, cryptocurrencies are really appealing average Joe. I think that is the thing that will jumpstart BCH economy.
replied 2412d
This appeal is from the wrong cause - speculation. BCH is meant to be a payment system.
replied 2410d
Venezuelans are in so desperate need for a more stable currency for everyday transactions that some of their cities started rolling their own paper currencies.
replied 2410d
this is a reply, that's what infuriates me.
Not the first time a currency has hyperinflated to leave people starving to death.

It could be the last :)
replied 2410d
*replay :)
replied 2410d
I stand corrected! I didn't know it's that bad. bch volatility is nothing compared to -
replied 2412d
Even in developed countries, inflation is everywhere. Take control from Central banks is a must for freedom.
Pham Nuwen
replied 2412d
We need new users. The name sets only added a few hundreds in May.
replied 2412d
memo just needs to keep on trucking and slowly improving for now. we shall see what this place will be like during the mania of a full-on bull-run.